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date: from July 1st 2020
venue: Puppet Museum in Pilsen
NEVER AT REST! is a new permanent exhibition by the Alfa Theatre at the Puppet Museum in Pilsen. It consists of fourteen original exhibits that map and preserve in live form the puppetry of artist Ivan Nesveda and his colleagues from 1990 to 2020.
date: January 31 - March 16, 2019
venue: Museum of South Pilsen in Blovice
An exhibition presenting the works of students of the Blovice Grammar School in cooperation with the Puppet Museum in Pilsen (branch of the West Bohemian Museum), UWB in Pilsen and the Museum of the South Pilsen Region in Blovice.
date: June 16 - December 31, 2018
venue: Puppet Museum in Pilsen
The exhibition Gustav Nosek - The Man in the Shadows aims to remind visitors of the important personality of Czech puppetry, which has been left behind for the rest of its life by its own work.
date: April 6 - May 28, 2018
venue: Puppet Museum in Pilsen
This year, the Puppet Museum in Pilsen has prepared an exhibition dedicated to one of the longest-running puppet theaters on the Pilsen stage - Puppet Theater "V Boudě".
date: April 27 - December 31, 2017
venue: Puppet Museum in Pilsen
The exhibition dedicated to the personality of Josef Skupa presents visitors with an artistic journey of a prominent Czech puppeteer, who was able to defend a specific theatrical type not only from viewers but mainly from viewers.
date: September 21 - December 31, 2015
venue: Puppet Museum in Pilsen
Jaroslav Suchý's statements, which his sons recorded, inventions he also published in professional journals, the unusual puppets with which he played - all this creates a mosaic that would be a pity not to share the public.